Comparison of Verizon and AT&T Download Performance Levittown, PA to Savannah, GA 1/6/22 and 1/7/22 (G-NetTrack Plus)

Verizon report is from 1/6/22 (1600 -1800) and ATT is 1/7/22 (0800-1800) since I can only run one download test at a time.  This report is just averaging out for the whole region.

There was no ping loss/packet loss for either carrier for this part of test


Median Download Speeds: 29.591 Mbps
Median Download Max Speed: 37.487 Mbps
Median of Ping : 54 ms
Median of Min Ping: 36 ms
Median of Max Ping: 132 ms
Ping STDDev: 29 ms


Median Download Speeds: 38.547 Mbps
Median Download Max Speed: 59698
Median of Ping : 78 ms
Median of Min Ping: 67 ms
Median of Max Ping: 102 ms
Ping STDDev: 12 ms

AT&T had better download speeds as compared to Verizon but Verizon was slightly better in regards to latency.