Drive to Princeton Area/Belle Mead and Route 206 111721


Unique Nodes: 38
Unique Cells: 101
Average RSRQ: -9.462
Average RSRP: -92.956
Plots of Quality/RSRQ <= -20: 42
Plots of Level/RSRP <= -125: 0


Unique Nodes: 66
Unique Cells: 124
Average RSRQ:  -9.249
Average RSRP: -99.646
Plots of Quality/RSRQ <= -20: 20
Plots of Level/RSRP <= -125: 33

Bad Quality Areas: Verizon from ElasticSearch

Bad Signal Areas: Verizon from ElasticSearch


Bad Quality Areas: T-Mobile from ElasticSearch

Bad Signal Areas: T-Mobile from ElasticSearch