Weekly Update

Based on the data I have so far this month, most of the trends from last month have continued (with one exception).

When I was averaging out the download speeds on AT&T's network, it was factoring in data from my home location.  I leave my phones running (at home) in order to get other types of reports.  I now have a query to disregard any download results from my home location from this point onwards since the plots from my home would have a very heavy weighting.

The average download speeds now put AT&T in last place.  AT&T is fast at my home but it doesn't fair as well elsewhere.  Here are the average download speeds for each carrier on 4G/5G.  Take note that the 5G speeds were a little faster with each carrier.

Verizon/4G - 38.684 Mbps
T-Mobile/4G - 30.485 Mbps
AT&T/4G - 23.554 Mbps

Verizon/5G - 41.198 Mbps
T-Mobile/5G - 36.104 Mbps
AT&T/5G - 26.479 Mbps

The RAN networks are still the same.  T-Mobile is first place, AT&T (second), and Verizon (last).  I am basing this strictly on RSRQ solely at this point because it appears that the RSRP can go to a very weak signal strength (IE: T-Mobile) but still perform fairly well.  An RSRQ of -20 or -21 always has bad data quality (IE: ping loss or slow downloads).  The numerator below is the bad quality plots and denominator is total number of plots taken.

T-Mobile/4G - 384/43191 (99.11 %)
AT&T/4G - 446/47247 (99.06 %)
Verizon/4G - 1197/36861 (96.75%)

T-Mobile/5G - 131/23924 (99.45%)
AT&T/5G - 282/14077 (98.00%)
Verizon/5G - 681/30552 (97.77%)

Data reliability is based on ping averaging and the average amount of jitter when the RSRQ is better than -20.  My thinking is the lowest average ping with lowest jitter may mean a better core network (fastest ping and lowest deviation/jitter between plots).  The winner here is the same as before (Verizon), followed by AT&T, and T-Mobile.  The lowest ping and lowest jitter always seem to follow the same order.

Average Pings

Verizon - 48.112 milleseconds
AT&T - 50.979 milleseconds
T-Mobile - 53.176 milleseconds

Average Jitter

Verizon - 15.914 milleseconds
AT&T - 17.19 milleseconds
T-Mobile - 21.573 milleseconds